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Tuesday Treasures

Hello! Welcome back!

Ok, I know I promised to keep up with this here page better this year, and I know I may have skipped a week or three, and I know it is actually wednesday... But I am back now and all is right in the world again! Right? Maybe not, but I'm doing pretty well (Aside from this menacing cough that I can't seem to shake).

Well lets take a deep breath then get started shall we? 

Trending: Sparkles
Allright, I'm a girl. I love anything that sparkles! And currently trending is everything that sparkles - which I love.  It's all over pinterest! >>Check it!

And if I may toot my own horn just a bit, I would like to point out that I was wearing these back in May of last year before they hit it big ;)
One tip: Stick to one sparkly aspect of your outfit such as 


Otherwise you may begin to look like this girl

And while I am a closet Ke$ha fan, she does go a bit over the top with the glitter.

New Categorie! DIYourself: Chevron Fan
Source: DesignSponge

Anybody have that terribly ugly ceiling fan that is just such a hassle to switch out with a shiny expensive new one? Give it a makeover! I personally am digging this chevron pattern that is currently trending right now and here is an awesome tutorial to achieve this super easy room face lift. 

Celeb Props: Kylie Bisutti
Source: Google Images
This girl has earned some major respect and a lot of media attention lately. Kylie was the winner of the 2009 "Victoria's Secret Model Search". And over the last few years has had huge success as one of the Angels. But lately as she states in an interview she started to feel convicted. She decided to quit working for Victoria's Secret so that she could honor God and Her husband with her body. How awesome is that!? 
Way to go Kylie! You have my respect :)
Here is a picture of her with her lucky husband.
Source: Google Images
Here is a video of her in an interview followed by a guy who speaks some truth. 

Source: youtube

Yummies: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!
Ok, I have never been very good at cooking. But one thing that I rock at is grilled cheese sandwiches, and now thanks to Pinterest, I can really rock them! Have you seen some of the stuff you can do with a grilled cheese? Apparently ANYTHING taste good on them! ANYTHING! It's awesome! Here are some examples: 

And so so many more! 
Get grillin ya'll!

Featured Blog: The Painted Hive
This blog is home to some beautiful home renovation ideas for amazing prices! I have it bookmarked and I think you should too! It's quite adorable! 

Saved this one for last because it is Oh So Important! 
Should Not Be Trending : Children's Sex Change Operations
Apparently they are on the rise according to this article.
It looks as though there is a new disorder where children are adamant that they were born into the wrong body and instead of confirming the sex that they are, parents are allowing and even advocating for sex change operations as low as 16 years old and hormone blocking drugs as low as 4!!! That is insane and it needs to not be happening. What is going on here world? 

I would just like to say to anyone who may think that their gender is a mistake, God does not screw up. He knew exactly what he was doing when he made you. He designed you specifically for a specific purpose.
Here is a video that broke my heart.  
Source: Youtube




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