Hello! Welcome back! Ok, I know I promised to keep up with this here page better this year, and I know I may have skipped a week or three, and I know it is actually wednesday... But I am back now and all is right in the world again! Right? Maybe not, but I'm doing pretty well (Aside from this menacing cough that I can't seem to shake). Well lets take a deep breath then get started shall we? Trending : Sparkles Allright, I'm a girl. I love anything that sparkles! And currently trending is everything that sparkles - which I love. It's all over pinterest! >>Check it! Get this here And if I may toot my own horn just a bit, I would like to point out that I was wearing these back in May of last year before they hit it big ;) Get these here One tip: Stick to one sparkly aspect of your outfit such as or Otherwise you may begin to look like this girl And while I am a closet Ke$ha fan, she does go a bit over the top with the glitter. New Categorie! DIY...
The adventures of a wife, a creative, and restaurant manager!